Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day Eighteen At the Office

Hello my fellow drinkers.

I would like to start by thanking mother nature for the great weather we've been having in this fine city; nothing beats sweaty balls and stale air, but seriously I am enjoying the hotness of it all.
In this city; hot weather means mini skirts and tube tops, which means for us guys, it's going from six to twelve on the regular. I love how the skanks come out to play and the creeps come out to stare and slur all over them; makes me feel as though I live in a city full of douche bags and whores, which for the most part is true.

Ladies!!!!!!! There's a lot to be said about class. If you wish to impress a guy try going out and buying a cute little sun dress and work on your tan; then maybe instead of wearing next to nothing and attracting all the moron's this fine city has to offer, you might actually snag you a real man.

Don't get me wrong; I love skanks and I love boobs and I love mini skirts, I just don't think that you ladies love guys like me who would love to see you for a night and kick you in the morning, never to be heard from again.

Final thought? How bout I leave that one to you.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Day Seventeen At the Office

I'm back!!

Sorry to all those who actually get a kick out of reading my blog. I took a small vacation which was much needed and for once in my life decided to 'unplug' myself for a week. I know it has been longer than a week since my last blog; but with the Stampede and then my vacation, I haven't really had a whole lot of time. So lets get to it.

I will be adding more blogs now that I have signed onto my blogspot through my iPhone, I will also be minimizing the length of my blogs. I have been reading other blogs on the blogspot website and there are some really really long ones and then there are some short ones; I find that I read the short ones more than the long ones, they keep me coming back for more.

I recently returned from a small vacation out to the coast of British Columbia; I had a blast and attended a wedding and did some drinking and had all my drinks poured for me, this makes me a happy camper. I took my dog with me for the ride and just to get him out of the city as well, I could tell he enjoyed his time out there but we are both happy to be home.

Summer seems to be passing by so quickly, in this city we all know that when summer ends its time to throw the snow tires back on. Although I'm not complaining about the amazing weather we have been blessed with, it seems as though we are actually having a summer. What I like about warm summer nights is that I find myself more energized and I sleep less and accomplish more; it's almost as though I'm superman and I am being charged by the sun's energy, makes me feel somewhat indestructible!

Summer also brings am whole whack load of series premiers and season premiers on the good ol' boob tube, makes for a great little Sunday evening. I am a huge Big Brother fan and I am currently wrapped up in the latest season. I would love for Big Brother to come to Canada and I could be on it and make an ass out of myself in real life, rather than just on the blogspot.

That's it for now kids, enjoy the great weather and make sure to stay hydrated...I find that beer is great for hydration.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day Sixteen At the Office

Yeeeeeehaaaaaw people!!!!

Today is for sure a short one. I am up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early in an attempt to be somewhat productive in one of the only days I haven't woken up hungover this Stampede. I figure if I hit the gym and sweat some of the devils drink out of me I might feel well enough to get reacquainted with some of my regulars at the bar; Jose, Jack, Johnny, Jim and of course lets not forget that tricky Russian bastard Mr.Smirnoff.

You see I'm not a heavy drinker (at least that's what I keep telling myself), so I don't feel too bad to let loose once a year for ten days while my city smells like horse shit and cow piss. I can't walk a block without getting hay stuck to my boots. So far I have managed to get drunk; sleep it off, get drunk again, sleep it off, get drunk again....well I'm sure you can all see where this is going. Last night was my first night of falling asleep and NOT passing out drunk since the shit show has started.

I just wanted to make sure that none of my readers missed me too much and that none of my friends who haven't talked to me in a couple of days, don't think I've died in a dumpster. I am having a blast this year and I hope the rain lets up for the rest of the week so I can continue to at least sweat out the booze while I consume it. I haven't made it to the grounds yet but I do believe tomorrow will be the special day; I intend to eat deep fried Oreo cookies and deep friend Mac n' Cheese.....I may also take a secret (very large) Tupperware container with me so I can store some of those mini doughnuts in my freezer for the rest of the summer. I can't wait to hit the zipper and puke all over the poor lil kid next to me.

I hope you are all having a very wonderful and safe Stampede. Make sure that you aren't drinking and driving and make sure that you also apply this to horse back riding as well.

Happy yaawhoo's and yeehaaw's,

-Sheriff Digiddy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day Fifteen At the Office

Howdy howdy fuckers,

No bullshit, jumping right in. Let's get started...

This past week has been one for the memory books; we lost a formal Angel and a pop icon, we also lost a successful infomercial guy. Aside from the passing of Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Billy Hays; I myself went through a very memorable week as well. Without going into a whole lot of detail about what happened to me, I can assure you all that I am a total idiot! I am however only human and as a human, I'm bound to make mistakes. All I can say is that I am sorry to those I have hurt and I have learned from my mistakes; if we hang in there we can make it through anything, life can only get easier. To all those who are mourning the deaths in this recent week and anyone who has been affected by the death of loved one; my heart goes out to you, memories are made for a reason (cherish them all).

Now to get down to it. This week is the start of the 'Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth' and I can hardly wait! I know a lot of people that were born and raised in this wonderful city tend to get sick of the whole thing; a lot of other people however, don't. I myself love the Stampede. What more could you ask for? Mini Donuts, pizza on a stick, endless rides, beer gardens, beautiful people scantly clad, cowboy hats, the smell of horse and cow shit, rodeo's, fireworks nightly (which I can see perfectly from my balcony), over priced everything, more drunk girls than a frat party and not to mention the best pub crawls of the year.

The Calgary Stampede and Exhibition is an amazing treat; if you have never had the opportunity to enjoy it, I highly recommend you get your ass down there this year. I know I only have one day off to enjoy the Stampede, but I also know that I will enjoy the shit out of that day off! My girlfriend and I have a tradition of stuffing our faces (thank God for the gym) full of foods that you don't normally get to eat (pizza on a stick) and then doing our best to withstand the urge to yack while spinning at a G-force of unreasonable pull. The rides are great and the people are fun; there is constant live entertainment and beer gardens, need I say more?

This twelve day party is intense and definitely not for the faint of heart. Most people I know in the industry have planned vacations pretty much the day after the Stampede ends; it's rough but fun, it's the stuff unforgettable memories are made of. We all work our asses off and we all party our asses off as well; I know I will be a hurtin' unit for at least a solid week after, this is why I am leaving for a week to recover with my gf in beautiful British Columbia. When I get back I will have plenty to write about so stay tuned.

So to recap; Stampede starts this week and the shit show begins, make sure you all check it out! I mean if people travel from all over the world to come see this event, what makes you so special to pass it up when it's in your very own city.

Yeehaww Cowgarians!