Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Twenty Two At the Office

Good morning beautiful people.

I've been enjoying my time in the blogosphere; I've had plenty of people tell me how much they enjoy my blog, I've also had some haters who wouldn't know what a blog is without the help of Google. I'm now on the hunt for people looking to get sponsorship and or advertisement space on my page. I know I only have three followers on the actual blog site; however, I have a lot more loyal readers that aren't followers yet. I'm also looking for fellow bartenders that have a creative side and are good with words, that would be interested in blogging on a daily or weekly basis under my blog page.

If there are any bartenders looking to share some experiences they've had within the industry, let me know and we'll set you up and get you started. The stories have to be real and no names can be used. I don't care how vulgar or graphic you choose to be, as long as it's written well and gets people's attention.

As far as the advertisement space goes; I have at least three spots available and I work on a time line contract. I am also open to the idea of sponsoring individuals or teams if anyone is interested.

Please let me know if you would like to join the team and make shit happen!

Stay drunk,


Friday, August 14, 2009

*drinkslinger*: Day Twenty One At the Office

*drinkslinger*: Day Twenty One At the Office

Day Twenty One At the Office

Hello my peeps!

It's been a long week and an odd week as well. I broke a tooth the other day and enjoyed a nice two hour visit to the dentist yesterday afternoon. I usually love going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and hear from the dental assistant and dentist about how beautiful my teeth are; so naturally when I went in yesterday with a mangled and broken (ugly) tooth, I was a little more than slightly embarrassed to smile at the quirky assistants feeble attempts to make me laugh.
I hate the feeling of being frozen! I hate the feeling when the freezing wears off as well. Lets just say I hate anything to do with dental surgery!

On Saturday my younger brother engaged in his pro debut as a mixed martial artist. He won the fight in the second round and showed a strong will to NEVER give up! No matter how many times he was down; he always made sure to get back up and didn't let off until his opponent tapped out a little more than half way through the second round, due to repeated strikes to the head and face. I'm proud of my brother and his latest accomplishment; I hope this serves as notice for him and wakes him up a little to the endless possibilities that are within his reach and at times on the very tips of his fingers. I will post the link so none of u miss the fight. Congratulations Simon!

Now for all of you who don't know, I am writing this blog for YOU! If you enjoy it; please let me know, I enjoy the feed back. If you like reading about the often times funny and always entertaining happenings in my life, add and follow my blog. It's easy and the site walks you through it. Thank you all for the continued support and feed back!

'Happy Hour' should last all day..then it would be 'Happy Day' instead of just an hour!

-Digi....wait for it....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day Twenty At the Office

Hello my lush readers.

Today is all about my little brother Simon. Since we were little kids running around doing our 'ninja survival tests' and climbing up just about every building or tree we came in contact with; we both have been heavily into martial arts, our family is well decorated in many different styles. Our main focus growing up (aside from the other martial arts we studied) was the ancient and traditional art of Bujinkan Ninjutsu. We both had great idea's about becoming modern day Ninja; we both trained hard and played hard, we both have achieved our goals.

Tonight is Simon's professional debut as a mixed martial artist. He's fighting in a small venue in Terrace British Columbia; I don't know much abo0ut these promoters, I do know that Simon is more than ready! Doing martial arts our entire lives and having a passion and respect for many different styles, has made the transition to the mixed martial arts world an easy one. Simon and I are very close in age and have many similar interests; we grew up close to one another and remain that way to this day, brothers and best friends.

I'm simply writing this blog with the soul purpose of respecting my younger brother and giving him prop's for getting out there; with nobody but his Jiu-Jitsu coach to corner him, he is truly doing this alone...for himself. I pity the opponent who stands across the cage from my brother. When the referee says 'let's get it on'; I have fears that the person approaching my brother is walking into a tornado of pain, I feel really bad for him.

Other than wishing him luck, I really have nothing else to say. So good luck little brother! Smash him a few times for me! Can't wait to hear the results!

Two fisting tonight at my place for UFC 101...holla' atchya' boy!!!!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Nineteen At the Office

Good day all you wonderful beverage drinkers :)

Apparently when I attempted to set up my blog through my iPhone I didn't do it correctly. I apologize for the lack of posts.

I wanted to talk a little about one of my oldest and best friends in the world; he was recently in a serious motorcycle accident and was left in pretty rough shape, anyone who knows who I am talking about knows that Mike is a great guy! Mike is also a new father and a brother and a son and a friend to many, many people. In a lot of ways he has influenced my life and has helped me through some of my darkest days; for as long back as I can remember, Mike has always been there for me and never wavered in his loyalty to me (or any of his other friends) as one of my best friends. I've known Mike for longer than I can can think back to; he's been a solid fixture in my life for years and years, a true friend, a brother!

I just wanted to write out a few of the feelings I have troubles expressing through my vocal abilities. Although I haven't been up to the hospital to see Mike as often as I wish I could; I am constantly thinking about him and praying for him, he is in severe pain all the time and still has the ability to crack me up! Mike is a trooper and no matter what, he still puts others ahead of himself. I would have to say that Mike's biggest downfall of caring more for others than he often does for himself, is one in which more people in this world should take heed to.

Anyone who's met Mike even once can't forget his character. He is the type of guy who lends a piece of himself to everyone he comes in contact with; it leaves a lasting impression and allows for a great memory, one tin which is truly unforgettable!

Now that the feelings are out, I can talk more about the fact that Mike's accident wasn't his fault and it's a huge wake up call to anyone who drives a vehicle and is reading this right now. OPEN YOUR EYES!! It's summer time and motorbikes are ubiquitous! With the omnipresence of two wheelers on our city streets, we ALL need to wake up when we are at the wheel! This type of accident could have easily been avoided, had the driver of the car that made an unsafe left turn directly into Mike (while he was traveling at 80km's/hr) simply been paying attention!

There is no excuse for dope head riving. When you are behind the wheel of a thousand plus pounds machine that can end a life instantly, it is your obligation to be alert and to pay attention at all times! We all had to take the course and study the rules in order to receive an operators license, how is it that we can all forget so easily the simple infractions that are so often the cause of many fatalities on our city streets? It's absolutely unacceptable to drive without due care! If it's not the thought of taking someone's life or the feeling you would have to live with after ruining a perfect stranger's (a new father in Mike's case) life; then it should at least serve as a fear tactic to remind everyone of how easily you could lose or ruin your own life, simply by NOT paying attention.

Now that I've voiced that, I think I will duck out and use this energy to take my monster for a walk.

It's been a slice! Hang in there Mikey! Always in my thoughts...


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day Eighteen At the Office

Hello my fellow drinkers.

I would like to start by thanking mother nature for the great weather we've been having in this fine city; nothing beats sweaty balls and stale air, but seriously I am enjoying the hotness of it all.
In this city; hot weather means mini skirts and tube tops, which means for us guys, it's going from six to twelve on the regular. I love how the skanks come out to play and the creeps come out to stare and slur all over them; makes me feel as though I live in a city full of douche bags and whores, which for the most part is true.

Ladies!!!!!!! There's a lot to be said about class. If you wish to impress a guy try going out and buying a cute little sun dress and work on your tan; then maybe instead of wearing next to nothing and attracting all the moron's this fine city has to offer, you might actually snag you a real man.

Don't get me wrong; I love skanks and I love boobs and I love mini skirts, I just don't think that you ladies love guys like me who would love to see you for a night and kick you in the morning, never to be heard from again.

Final thought? How bout I leave that one to you.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Day Seventeen At the Office

I'm back!!

Sorry to all those who actually get a kick out of reading my blog. I took a small vacation which was much needed and for once in my life decided to 'unplug' myself for a week. I know it has been longer than a week since my last blog; but with the Stampede and then my vacation, I haven't really had a whole lot of time. So lets get to it.

I will be adding more blogs now that I have signed onto my blogspot through my iPhone, I will also be minimizing the length of my blogs. I have been reading other blogs on the blogspot website and there are some really really long ones and then there are some short ones; I find that I read the short ones more than the long ones, they keep me coming back for more.

I recently returned from a small vacation out to the coast of British Columbia; I had a blast and attended a wedding and did some drinking and had all my drinks poured for me, this makes me a happy camper. I took my dog with me for the ride and just to get him out of the city as well, I could tell he enjoyed his time out there but we are both happy to be home.

Summer seems to be passing by so quickly, in this city we all know that when summer ends its time to throw the snow tires back on. Although I'm not complaining about the amazing weather we have been blessed with, it seems as though we are actually having a summer. What I like about warm summer nights is that I find myself more energized and I sleep less and accomplish more; it's almost as though I'm superman and I am being charged by the sun's energy, makes me feel somewhat indestructible!

Summer also brings am whole whack load of series premiers and season premiers on the good ol' boob tube, makes for a great little Sunday evening. I am a huge Big Brother fan and I am currently wrapped up in the latest season. I would love for Big Brother to come to Canada and I could be on it and make an ass out of myself in real life, rather than just on the blogspot.

That's it for now kids, enjoy the great weather and make sure to stay hydrated...I find that beer is great for hydration.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day Sixteen At the Office

Yeeeeeehaaaaaw people!!!!

Today is for sure a short one. I am up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early in an attempt to be somewhat productive in one of the only days I haven't woken up hungover this Stampede. I figure if I hit the gym and sweat some of the devils drink out of me I might feel well enough to get reacquainted with some of my regulars at the bar; Jose, Jack, Johnny, Jim and of course lets not forget that tricky Russian bastard Mr.Smirnoff.

You see I'm not a heavy drinker (at least that's what I keep telling myself), so I don't feel too bad to let loose once a year for ten days while my city smells like horse shit and cow piss. I can't walk a block without getting hay stuck to my boots. So far I have managed to get drunk; sleep it off, get drunk again, sleep it off, get drunk again....well I'm sure you can all see where this is going. Last night was my first night of falling asleep and NOT passing out drunk since the shit show has started.

I just wanted to make sure that none of my readers missed me too much and that none of my friends who haven't talked to me in a couple of days, don't think I've died in a dumpster. I am having a blast this year and I hope the rain lets up for the rest of the week so I can continue to at least sweat out the booze while I consume it. I haven't made it to the grounds yet but I do believe tomorrow will be the special day; I intend to eat deep fried Oreo cookies and deep friend Mac n' Cheese.....I may also take a secret (very large) Tupperware container with me so I can store some of those mini doughnuts in my freezer for the rest of the summer. I can't wait to hit the zipper and puke all over the poor lil kid next to me.

I hope you are all having a very wonderful and safe Stampede. Make sure that you aren't drinking and driving and make sure that you also apply this to horse back riding as well.

Happy yaawhoo's and yeehaaw's,

-Sheriff Digiddy

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day Fifteen At the Office

Howdy howdy fuckers,

No bullshit, jumping right in. Let's get started...

This past week has been one for the memory books; we lost a formal Angel and a pop icon, we also lost a successful infomercial guy. Aside from the passing of Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Billy Hays; I myself went through a very memorable week as well. Without going into a whole lot of detail about what happened to me, I can assure you all that I am a total idiot! I am however only human and as a human, I'm bound to make mistakes. All I can say is that I am sorry to those I have hurt and I have learned from my mistakes; if we hang in there we can make it through anything, life can only get easier. To all those who are mourning the deaths in this recent week and anyone who has been affected by the death of loved one; my heart goes out to you, memories are made for a reason (cherish them all).

Now to get down to it. This week is the start of the 'Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth' and I can hardly wait! I know a lot of people that were born and raised in this wonderful city tend to get sick of the whole thing; a lot of other people however, don't. I myself love the Stampede. What more could you ask for? Mini Donuts, pizza on a stick, endless rides, beer gardens, beautiful people scantly clad, cowboy hats, the smell of horse and cow shit, rodeo's, fireworks nightly (which I can see perfectly from my balcony), over priced everything, more drunk girls than a frat party and not to mention the best pub crawls of the year.

The Calgary Stampede and Exhibition is an amazing treat; if you have never had the opportunity to enjoy it, I highly recommend you get your ass down there this year. I know I only have one day off to enjoy the Stampede, but I also know that I will enjoy the shit out of that day off! My girlfriend and I have a tradition of stuffing our faces (thank God for the gym) full of foods that you don't normally get to eat (pizza on a stick) and then doing our best to withstand the urge to yack while spinning at a G-force of unreasonable pull. The rides are great and the people are fun; there is constant live entertainment and beer gardens, need I say more?

This twelve day party is intense and definitely not for the faint of heart. Most people I know in the industry have planned vacations pretty much the day after the Stampede ends; it's rough but fun, it's the stuff unforgettable memories are made of. We all work our asses off and we all party our asses off as well; I know I will be a hurtin' unit for at least a solid week after, this is why I am leaving for a week to recover with my gf in beautiful British Columbia. When I get back I will have plenty to write about so stay tuned.

So to recap; Stampede starts this week and the shit show begins, make sure you all check it out! I mean if people travel from all over the world to come see this event, what makes you so special to pass it up when it's in your very own city.

Yeehaww Cowgarians!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day Fourteen At the Office

Howdy sloppy drunks!

Back in the office today and wanting to touch on some very real, very important issues. For starters I would like to go in depth on the whole hunger and poverty situation that one in every thirty six American's face; I would like to go as far as I can with this, ok maybe I just did. I mean seriously people! Wake up! Hunger? Poverty? Aren't these more third world sort of issues? When people fail at life or have some pretty nasty curve balls thrown in their direction; they tend to abandon all hope in the personal gratification part of their lives, they tend to simply give up. I understand hunger and poverty are very important/touchy subjects; why then do we allow our fellow brethren to go hungry, why do we sit back and do absolutely nothing while some people can't even eat?

Now I'm not talking about the crack heads and drunks that frequently roam the streets looking for free hand outs; rather I am referring to the good people, the honest people that have had some pretty bad luck. I am talking about people just like you and me. If this can happen to people like them, who's to say it can't happen to us? I know that we all think it could never be that bad for us; that no matter what we have people who love us and would never sit back and do nothing while we go hungry, well the same is true for the others. If you think for one second that those who have exhausted all options; those who have tried everything they could to get back on top, don't have loved ones that are there for them...yet still sit back and allow them to go hungry, you are sorely mistaken! It doesn't take much to slip to the bottom of life's cruel and often times climactic societal status pole, in fact in this day and age, it is rather easy to slip to the bottom and damn near impossible to climb back up.

We can all make donations and wear t-shirts and twitter about it; however, nothing will ever make things right. What we have here a failure to communicate. Failure to help those who need it. Failure to acknowledge real issues. Failure to give a fuck about our fellow people. I myself can sit back and say that this blog will help make a difference; but the truth is, without actually going out and force feeding some hungry guy, I am not really doing much myself. The only simple answer is that we need to be more aware of what causes the hunger and poverty in the first place and the people who can actually make a difference (celebrities, politicians, wealthy people), should indeed do their best to fix it!

I know a lot of you might ask why I even give a shit about the state of affairs in the good ol' U.S. of A...the answer is simply that the past has proven to us all that it starts there and slowly trickles upward to our beautiful country that would never allow hungry people to suffer and die. You see; the United States are like a viral infection that spreads without warning and infects as many as it can without offering the hope of an anti-virus. If you think what I am saying is wrong; well you're entitled to your opinion, however if you do decide to disagree with me, you are one hundred percent playing into the self centered attitude and constant denial that most Americans exude so comfortably.

Without digging myself too much of a shallow grave; I will change directions here, I will now briefly talk about one American toy I can't live without. I recently downloaded the new 3.0 software upgrade for my iPhone; I will admit that this has made my life so much more enjoyable, I will also admit that I am a total nerd for getting this excited about a software upgrade. I love the fact that I can now turn my phone to landscape for text, I love the fact that I can now cut/copy/paste, I love all of the new features. I have only one bone to pick; why in the fuck didn't they upgrade the camera? I want to join the rest of the world that can already take video recordings with their normal cell phones! I mean seriously, I have a super cell phone that does everything and guess what, when you need to find out how many people just farted in a room...there's an app for that! Yet I still can't take video's with my iPhone! Major upset! (*touches fingers to head in a salute*). Maybe after they are done promoting the new 3G-s (which ironically enough does include video capabilities); we will get another software upgrade, and maybe, just maybe this software upgrade will allow us to use video on our iPhone's. I'm wishing for the best.

Until the next hangover,

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day Thirteen At the Office

Hello all my fellow bloggers and drinkers and humanoids.

I apologize for my brief hiatus from blogging; I have been extremely busy and a lot has been happening in my personal life, I had a recent death in the family and things have been pretty crazy.

I know that writing about a lot of the happenings in my life helps me to release the emotions I would normally bottle up; however lately it seems that I have been able to deal with these emotions in real time, rather than bottle them up or write about them. I know this takes away from the whole idea of following my blog to see what's going on in the world of Digiddy; but I think if we all try really really hard, we'll all get over it!

So as I said before; I have recently gone through a death in the family, it has been hard on the whole family. Losing a loved one is never easy and seeing all the hurt and pain that can fill one room is often hard to deal with. I know that every time I have to endure the news of another loved one passing away, it tends to help me open my eyes a little more. I can appreciate all the things I have in my life because I know that all of these things can be gone in a heart beat. Everything we know and love and everyone we care about or think that we can't live without, all of this can disappear in a single breath. It's important for us to understand these facts of life so that we can all appreciate what is in front of us and never take any second of it for granted.

Aside from the passing of my uncle (RIP); I have been working a butt load to pay the bills, which is another thing I want to talk about. Why is it that we have to pay bills? I mean I understand that we are paying for services rendered; but when you really look at it, I mean seriously bring things under a bright light and powerful microscope, we are all getting hosed!

Take for example the incredibly powerful strangle hold that the good people of Shaw Cable have on those of us who are forced (due to lack of other cable service providers in Alberta) to deal with them. I know a lot of you will instantly ask why I don't just switch to satellite; for this I have another very stupid answer, I'm not allowed. You see I live in a condo downtown and when I asked the condo board for approval to install a satellite, I was told no. I was very persistent in the matter and asked for the condo board to at least send out a bulletin with a consensus asking other owners if they would agree to overturn the boards ruling; I was also very generous and offered to pay for a dish to be installed on the roof of the building and would allow other residents to buy a receiver and tune in to my signal, I still got a no. This being said; I am forced to deal with peasant vision and crappy at best, Shaw service. So I did what anyone else would do, I went for the total bundle. Not only am I getting my cable for my TV provided to me; I am also getting my phone and internet services provided to me by the good people at Shaw Cable, I can't even begin to tell you how easy this has made life for me............................pfffffffffffffft!!!! YA FUCKIN RIGHT!!!!

Shaw Cable has fucked me over so many times and I have been dealing with them without flawed payments for over ten years now! These bastards have lied to me, cut me off for payments not received (kind of hard to make a payment when I don't receive a bill in the mail), been rude to me on the phone, put me on hold for a minimum of half an hour EVERY time I call and last but not least, they have sold me more than one refurbished cable box and claimed they were new, only to have them break down and then get told that there is nothing they can do about it.

Last week I absolutely lost my shit on the good people at Shaw Cable; I was spoken down to in person by a pole smoking goof, who must have mistaken me for someone who wouldn't reach over the counter and smack the shit out of his boy kissing face! After I stormed out of the great customer service office of Shaw Cable; I immediately placed a call to the head office and reamed out a perfect stranger and in some very kind words, I told him to cancel all of my Shaw services.
Had I of known this would be so easy I would have done it long ago; you see they are so threatened by losing out on the twenty five hundred dollars a year that I spend on their half ass service that they offered to replace my high definition dual tuner cable box with a brand new one and they also told me they would knock off the last two pay per view events I had ordered and not received, yet was still charged for. I was amazed at how easily this victory was obtained, especially since the battle has been raging since '02', seven years of calling in to have my bill adjusted and seven years of faulty cable boxes and seven years of rude customer service representatives...all of it put in the past and me standing on the top of the mountain doing the victory dance. The lesson I can take from this would have to be one of justice for those who are prepared to make the appropriate threats at the appropriate time.

I am again apologizing to all of you who actually keep up with my blog and enjoy my views and outspoken opinions on life in general and all of the shit in between. I will be in the office more often and I will be banging my fingers away at this keyboard until I have been heard and felt by those who most need to hear and feel me! Until that time, here I sit, iTunes blasting, dog farting, crack heads screaming, and me pouring the fluids of life.....booze baby!

Drinks in the air and some on the ground for the dead hommies, gone but not forgotten (RIP Uncle Chuck).


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day Twelve At the Office

What is up my peoples!

Just a quick one today. Giving shouts out to all of those who found the time to make it out to the Yardhouse on 17th Ave this past Sunday. We threw a great event and had a great time; lots of good people came down, lots of good people donated as well.

On Sunday we had a benefit for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in honor of Penny Parker (Sean Parker's mom); it was a great event and a complete success! Unofficially we raised about 13k towards her Ride to Conquer Cancer and more importantly, we helped raise some awareness to a few hundred people. It's one thing to come down and support the cause and donate; but it's another thing to educate yourself or allow yourself to be educated, on the facts of Cancer and some of the organizations that do their part to help not only raise awareness, but also to help find a cure.

The band (Static in the Stars) was great! Explosive acoustic set that had everyone; inside and out, on their feet. The crowd was great and the staff were solid; we had a very good day and had fun serving all you loyal people, thank you so much for the support!

Take a minute to raise your glasses,

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day Eleven At the Office

Hello all you sun worshipers!

Today is Lilac Festival in my home city. It's a great little festival that showcases all the small business and artistic talents of the inner cities fine folks; it brings people in from all over the city, to frolic the usually busy 4th street and the subculture along the way down 17th Ave. I love the 'hippy' undertone of the whole festival and the way it attracts people from all walks of life.

Today is also a special day at my work. As a guy who's family and heart have been touched by Cancer; I have to take this opportunity to tell you all about the happenings at the Yardhouse on 17th Ave today, we are throwing a bit of a party. This party isn't the normal Lilac Festival type of shindig; rather this party is for a very solid cause, The Ride to Conquer Cancer. My manager and friend, Sean Parker, has put together a spectacular affair today; all in the name of his mother Penny Parker and her battle with breast cancer. He has mustard up some live music, some great people, some loyal staff members and a whole lot of interested minds.
In an industry that is money hungry and somewhat devout of heart; Parker has managed to convince the owners to donate all the food and beverage sales on the day to the cause, he has also without a word, convinced staff to donate their time and wages to the cause as well. I myself am taking it a step further; I will be donating ALL of my tips on the day to the cause, I will also enlist the help of all my friends and followers to come on down and have something to eat and drink...remember that EVERYTHING is being donated!

I promise you all a good time and I also appreciate any of you who do take the time out to swing by and say hi. The band starts around 2PM and the festivities will be going on all day and all night. If you or anyone you know has been touched by cancer in any way; this is your chance to help find a cure, please don't hesitate to come on in and have a good time.

Pouring all day for free so come see me!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day Ten At the Office

Good day all you beer guzzlers!

Today is a good day! I could honestly stop right there with no more to add; you know me though, I will for sure add my two cents about a whole lot..good day or bad, I will NOT be silenced.
I guess to explain myself a little more clearly; I will tell you all a little bit about my weekend, I will talk a bit about a buddy of mine we will call 'Sherm' (to protect his real identity) and his trendy/obsessive taste for a new beer out there. I will also touch on my first slow pitch game of the season and how we had our asses handed to us by a bunch of girls and old men. Lastly I will bring up yet again how my buddy 'Sherm' is a total lush and could possibly be convinced to drink almost anything that is alcohol based. As a post script I will give my two cents about the over use of 'FML' in 90% of all facebook users status updates these days (I mean seriously people, they don't even use 'FML' on twitter, so lets get with it already!) and how this is something that should be contributed to the EMO culture (YOU ALL NEED HUGS).

WOW! I can't even believe I'm doing this (referring to 'this' as 'doing something somebody told me to do...*clears throat*...rhmhmshermmmhmm); I'm actually complying to a request from facebook, I'm writing this blog solely because I was told to. You see normally when someone tells me what to do I sit back and contemplate all the possible outcomes of my actions; I rarely act out of emotion as this is the nature of the Taurus, this is who I am. In this instance however; I am choosing to go ahead with the literal thrashing of a new beer that has recently hit the markets and is slowly suckering millions of people into paying waaaay too much for a watered down beer with a splash of bar lime. I honestly kind of feel like a thief every time I sell one of these pricey and for the most part flavorless beverages. For fear of legal repercussions I will not call a spade a spade; so no names will be used when referring to this watered down trash tasting, sorry/pathetic excuse for a beer. This weekend I received and signed for a shipment of booze at work; in this shipment I unloaded eight cases of a new product for an existing line of beer, one might even call it the hypathetical 'King of Beers'. I myself wouldn't know anything about that. I knew as I was hauling the booze order into the bar that this beer was going to sky rocket off out of the coolers and back up wells. It was a beautiful day and the outside temperature was high so the patio was full; order after order I watched as the caps went popping off this extraordinarely priced drink of water with a touch of beer and bar lime, I couldn't help but shake my head as the masses once again, completely crumbled and conformed to the trickery of the big beer companies that can so obviously fool people into paying 37% more for a smaller bottle of beer (with less alcohol) while smack dab in the middle of a financial crisis and an economic recession.
I don't really want to say it's a bad thing, but I have noticed more people are coming out to drink instead of paying the ridiculous price of twenty seven and change for a twelve of watered down bar lime with a splash of beer.

So I think I've spent enough time on that whole subject; just remember people, this my opinion and it doesn't really mean much unless you allow it to.
This past Sunday I played my first game of the season in a slow pitch league. I had a lot of fun; our team was even more fun, we couldn't play worth a shit. I didn't really care that we lost as bad as we did (no way I'm gunna tell you the final score); all that mattered was how much fun it was! I got to pitch and play short stop and back catch and I smashed the ball a couple times and made it on base a couple times and caught a fly ball and even umped towards the end. I got a really sweet tan line from my sleeveless under armour shirt and a sweet tan line from my under armour wrist sweat band; I may have also gotten a touch too much sun, I wasn't feeling too hot later that night. Now as I said before; we got our asses handed to us by a bunch of girls and old men, that statement remains true, howwever I am happy to say that we did have a couple stars on our team (thanx Gil and Mallory). I look forward to playing some more games with the Beckham's crew, thanx a lot for letting me join in.

Now for the last thing on the agenda and this ones a good one; I have noticed another really cool trend that has surfaced on facebook, I'm talking about the abundant overuse of the abreviated saying of 'fuck my life' (FML). I really don't want to dwell on this for anymore time than I think it's wprth, so as lpng as I pwn a cpmputpr, there's absplutely NP way I will let a trend pn facebppk influence me! Seriupsly pepple! GRPW UP!! Get a hug and mpve pn! <

This Bud's for you Sherm,

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day Nine At the Office

Hello all you lush's!
To start; I would like to say thank you again to all the people who have given me positive feed back on my blog posts, you people are the reason I write. Second; I have to say sorry for taking a couple days off, I have been busy with's kind of unavoidable.

So now that I've got all that out of the way I can get down to business. Today I celebrated Christmas; I know it's a little odd seeing as how it's May 22nd and all, but it's a true story..I had me a lil X-mas action this A.M.
It's funny how we always get so excited when we know that we're going to be on the receiving end of a present; it's almost as though our 'kid' instincts kick in and the build up becomes unbearable, doesn't matter if we know what the present is, all that matters is that we will be receiving something we didn't have before. This morning I had my new T.V. delivered and set up; the very T.V. I picked out a week earlier and had full knowledge of it's arrival date and time, none of that mattered. Last night I worked myself up so much with anticipation for the arrival of the TV this morning; I could barely sleep and I was acting like a kid on Christmas Eve, I may have gone a little over board with the cookies and milk, but like I said..I was EXCITED! I woke up earlier than I ever have without an alarm clock this morning; I knew I had four hours to kill before the delivery, but I couldn't contain my excitement in the form of sleep any longer.

After all the fuss and buss and about two hours after they arrived; I was staring at heaven on my wall, my eyes were glued to the floating glass screen of my brand new plasma, the delivery guys even stuck around for about a half an hour after..they couldn't stop watching the frame channel with me. I swear it was like a scene out of a movie; I saw a glorious bright light as they turned the power on, I heard birds flapping in the background, my nose picked up the angelic aroma of blissful sea breeze. Turns out my GF had opened the double french doors that lead to the balcony; this frightened the birds that were eating the bread crumbs, the bright light I saw was actually the screen of the TV searching for a signal for the first time and the aroma I was smelling was the GF lighting a Febreeze candle in the other room. Either way; the experience was memorable, the moment was magical and I was half chubbed just to be viewing such magnificent beauty, stealing all the attention in the room and turning heads left, right and centre.

All in all I would say that I am extremely happy today and I can't wait to watch the fights tomorrow night on the new plasma. There's an open invite for anyone who has my number and wishes to call and swing over to experience the ultimate in viewing pleasure. Until then, she's all can find me in the blueray isle at Blockbuster this weekend.

Cheers to all,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Day Eight At the Office

Howdy Cowtown peeps!
So first of all I have to take a quick minute to big up the Calgary Police for taking such good care of our city streets.

This morning I walked out the back door of my building; only to step directly into the remnant's of an obvious (and every day occurrence) overnight crack binge, no doubt left behind by one of the Beltline's many crack heads. As I stepped over the discarded tools of the trade effectively and creatively conjured up out of an empty pop can and a Bic lighter, I recalled the headlines in the Calgary news papers this last week. As I remember reading about all the arrests the Calgary Police have made in and around my area of residence; I thought to myself, what a relief. As I stood on 17th ave today; after being called out to the street from the local Subway I was standing inside of, I wondered why the Police weren't doing anything about the middle aged man I had just witnessed jay walk across a part of 17th ave that I also recall as a location of a previous accident involving the death of a young lady who was jay walking. I then also wondered why they weren't doing anything about the guy I just saw hock a massive loogey (which I was recently informed is highly illegal and massively policed in our city) on 17th ave directly in fornt of a very high traffic establishment known as Melrose Cafe and Bar; I then stopped wondering why the cities finest were too tied up to handle these minor infractions of the law, they were clearly too busy (as the officer kindly put it) "handling me" at the moment. You see today has been a very trying day for me; I have been dodging curve balls all day and working very hard at staying as positive as I possibly can be, no matter how ill fated my life may seem.

To clarify the above drab I just layed out for you all; today I recived my very first ever fine for 'spitting in public', the fine will set me back a hundred dollars and a day off of work to go pay it.
I would say that I agree with the fine except that I didn't actually 'spit' as defined in the criminal code; I did not at all reliev from my mouth any bodily fluids whatsoever, it was a piece of stail gum. I also discarded of the gum in an alley and not in a direct public walk way; I would like to think that would constitute a rather appropriate form of discardment, but I guess the hard working officer of the cities formal 'Gang Unit' didn't see it that way. Aside from not even actually catching me in the so called 'act of' spitting; I had already left the scene of the alleged infraction, I was next up to order my lunch at the very moment the officer called me out side to over emphasive the fact that he doesn;t like 'spitter's' as he refferred to me as. At the end of the whole incident I felt somewhat enforced and very safe knowing that I had been tought such a valuable life lesson; I can still hear the kind officers words as he once again reminded me of how much he hated 'spitter's', he said to me as he handed me the ticket: "I guess it's a lesson learned".

Ladies and gentlemen I am hear to tell you all about the moral of this story; plain and simple, mean people suck and nice people swallow! SO just remember the now etched into my brain words of the officer today ('lesson learned') and know (this is more for the ladies) that nothing good ever comes from 'spitting', so please, please, PLEASE learn to swallow and the world will be a better place.

Irish Car Bomb's for all,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day Seven At the Office

Good day fellow earthlings.
I know what you're going to say; working on a Sunday is sac religious, well I'm not one to worry about those types of things. Not to say I don't have my belief structure; I just merely don't believe in powerful idles other than the internet, I mean let's face it, at least I know the internet actually exists.

Anyway people; I am just popping in to lay down a good luck to the Lakers and to shout out the people who keep coming back for more, thanx to those of you who have messaged me on other social networking sites to tell me you've read and enjoyed my blog. It really does mean a lot to me to know that I'm not just banging away aimlessly on the keys of this here board attatched to my computer. I will be back tomorrow with some stories about my ridiculously good looking family and our whacky adventures (always fun) at a family bbq taking place later today. Stay tuned for more!

Next rounds on me,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day Six At the Office

Good morning happy campers!
It's gunna be short and sweet today. It's May long weekend and in my eyes it's really just another weekend. I kind of feel as though long weekends are a tad bit overrated; I mean in my industry every weekend is a long weekend and if you want to really get technical, the whole week sort of feels like a weekend to me. I do understand that for people who have full time jobs and work their butts off day in and day out; a long weekend is just what the doctor ordered, however for me, I usually end up finding myself in a profession that doesn't celebrate long weekends. Tha being said, it is my personal opinion that long weekends are not really all that hype.

Aside form that; I got a new T.V. yesterday, it's frickin sweet! It was a long time coming since my old T.V. was on its last leg and often turned itself off whenever it fealt like it. I have to admitt I was torn between plasma and LCD; I walked in with full intentions of getting an LCD, but after talking to the sales rep and reading a few new things they have changed about plasma screen technology, I changed my mind and got a plasma instead. Can't wait for thedelivery ad set up next week!

Anyway, I have to make it to the gym before I haul ass into work for the day where I no doubt will be slammed from open till close pouring beers and slingin' shots. It's a beautfiul day, so make sure you all come check me out behind the bar at the Yardhouse on 17th Ave.

Happy May Long,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day Five At the Office

Morning happy campers:)
This weekend marks my one year anniversary working at the Yardhouse on 17th Ave. It's funny how much changes in a year; yet I remember (somewhat) like it was just yesterday, still a bit hazy though because I was damn near kidney failure with the amount of pints I had consumed. What i do remember is pretty clear though; I was sitting at one of the side tables with a couple friends, we were drinking pint after pint of Ricard's White and the night was quickly getting away from us. I recall Dwight Davis (manager at the time) approaching me and asking if I wanted to work the door on the weekends; of course I was more than happy to accept the offer, little did I know it would turn into a whole lot more for me. The night I was offered the job was a Wednesday if I recall correctly; either way, I was sitting with my friend Tiffany and a couple other people that I don't remember, we were basically drunk and not letting up as the evening went on.

I worked the entire summer and had a blast! It was around late August when I went in during lunch hour to collect my paycheck; Sean Parker (manager) was standing behind the bar pouring drinks and cursing the day bartender that had just quit, I guess I was in the right place at the right time and Parker offered me the job. I started that very day and haven't slowed down or looked back since; I have actually grown fond of the employee's and a few of the regulars, one could say that I actually enjoy my job.

So here I am; a year later and thousands of drinks poured since, I like what I do and because of that it makes me a happy person in my everyday life. If you haven't heard of or visited the Yardhouse I strongly suggest that you do. We play great music and offer great food and a comfortable atmosphere; if you're a singe guy or girl, the Yardhouse is the place to be on a Friday and Saturday night! See you all soon!

Happy Hour is dead,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day Four At the Office Pt.2

Hello friendly drinkers!
Today I got some more ink done on my sleeve (work in progress). A long time ago I got a tattoo on my left arm around my biceps (horrible tribal design) and for years since I have wanted to get it either fixed up or covered up. At the end of last summer I decided to go see the ink artist that was currently doing my older brothers arm tattoo and my sister in law's tattoo as well; I really liked the work that I saw so I took upon myself to make an appointment for a consult with Dan Cameron (at the time was working out of Immaculate Concepts) and we were able to set something up. I went ahead with getting the cover up but decided it would be worth it just to get my entire left arm done, it seemed like the right thing to do so the rest of the arm wouldn't feel left out:)

I sat for around four hours today and towards the end I'll admit, it started to feel a tad bit raw. I have a pretty high pain threshold but after the third hour I start to get bored and feel the urge to watch the artist go to town on my skin with a motor powered needle poking in and out, over and over again. Needless to say I start to feel uncomfortable and think it's best to retire that session and wait anxiously for the next available appointment. It's funny how we (people who enjoy tattoo's) can't wait to get it over and done with while we're experiencing the whole tattoo tradition; yet when it's all done, we literally can't wait to get back in and either get the rest finished or get something new done. I guess crazy really is as crazy does; this being said, I must be an absolute nut!

Nothing but beer bongs!

Day Four At the Office

Hello fellow drink slingers.
Today I am excited because I am going for more work on my tattoo (arm sleeve). I can't wait for the finished product! For those of you who don't actually know me, I love tattoo's! I have a whole bunch of them and I am for sure going to get more. I am currently getting my entire left arm and chest plate done by Dan Cameron@Deadly Tattoo's (check them out)!! I will post some pics of the work I get done today later on my fb account; pretty sure that most of my friends there have already seen some of what I'm getting done, for those who haven't, feel free to check it out.

I will be back later on with some exciting news about life and friends of mine that have waaaaaaaay too much fun living it.

First drinks on me,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day Three At the Office

Hello followers! (count still at zero)
The rain is here and won't go away. May in Calgary is pretty much the wettest month out of the year. We all make plans to go camping for May long weekend (this weekend coming up); yet we all know that it's either going to rain worse than the year before, or it's going to snow. I have volunteered my skills as a booze slinger to the local watering hole that currently employs me (totally forgot to book the time off); I don't believe in rain showers and mud baths, I'm more of a 'take a shit in the woods if it's the absolute last resort' kind of guy. Not to say camping isn't fun and drinking in the same clothes for 3 days isn't an absolute blast, but for real I just think I have out grown the whole 'May Long Weekend' tradition. I feel as though it's partly due to the fact that I can no longer binge drink without feeling the effects of such actions for days after; and it's also due to the fact that as the crowd at McClean Creek keeps getting younger, I myself do not.

Aside from the rain, I had yet another fantastic day pouring pints and measuring ounces of the hard stuff for the masses. Today I had a telepathic conversation with a young (and very hippy), interesting girl. I saw her standing out in the rain watching TV through the window; I muttered under my breath some words that need not be repeated, then we made eye contact. The eye contact was brief; but we both knew what we were thinking towards one another...clearly I was wrong, she came inside anyway. I'm not really sure what goes through someones head as they wake up in the morning, throw on some face paint for the day, fashion some boots out of an old blanket and some newspaper, wrap urself in a towel, make ur way into the public and search down the nearest pub that plays Tom Petty and serves cold water and hot coffee.

Needless to say, I was completely creeped out by this interesting young lady and I could only count down the minutes until she would be done sipping her water and talking to her dread locks. Had I a better camera on my iPhone, I would have been able to conjur up an amazing anti-drug add. Unfortunately the minutes I was counting turned into a total of 4 hours. Yes taht's right...FOUR HOURS! Pretty sure the girl is still there talking to her face paint and smiling aimlessly into the sky (as if she had star gazers syndrome), either way I felt it neccessary to blog about this girl as she was the only person I saw today that picked her nose and examined the aftermath at the tip of her finger for a total of 3 and a half minutes.

Happy pints and shooters!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day TWO AT the Office Pt.2

Getting back to the 'day off'...totally got done about a quarter of all the crap I had planned to do today; I got side tracked a couple of times and now I'm really playing catch up. Is it bad that I still haven't made it to the other side of the city to visit my mom and give her a mother's day card? As I see it; I don't need just one day out of the year to express to my mother how much I love her and appreciate her, I use EVERY day to show her the true symphony of my love. I know she see's it the same way and this is why I don't feel the least bit bad about taking my time to give her a symbolic gift that really represents a pathetic state of affairs for the masses as pertained to the ludicrous day known as 'Mother's'.

Anyway, got a bit off topic and now I'm back. I have found it difficult today to get it all done in a timely manner. I need a stunt double to do all the grunt work so I don't havta mess up my hair or get my hands dirty. I like doing the fun stuff such as going to the gym, walking Harlem, blogging, social networking in general, downloading music, searching porn, going for a run and taking afternoon naps. The stuff I could use a stunt double for would have to be; dealing with the girl friend when she's mad at me for fucking the day away on the computer and spending too much time at the gym and taking an afternoon nap whjile she was at work, I just don't think it's fair that I have to do all the work around here....totally gunna catch a smack for this one (I'll blog it later and let you know how it went).

I need two days back to back where I can efficiently subsidize my duties and perhaps even delegate to a few friends and family memebers if need be. I still think that the stunt double would work best though.

Happy Hour?

Day TWO At the Office

Day two of the blog.

Let me say this; I saw Star Trek last night and it was absolutely incredible! I took my girlfriend and she was balling in the first ten minutes. I managed to choke back my tears but I couldn't hide the chubb in my pants when stuff started to explode in outer space! I mean I know that it's highly unrealistic that fire could even ignite in space because of the lack of atmosphere; however I do feel that without stuff blowing up throughout the entire movie, it would have been a tad bit boring. In all; the action scenes were tight and the plot was mediocre at best, I felt that the producers could have shaved off at least a good half hour of crap that just wasn't worth being in the movie. Other than some of the lame scenes and some of the down time, I did like the movie quite a bit and his substantially raised the bar for the rest of this years blockbusters.

Now, back to business. Today is my day off from the local pub I work at; I have a full day of stuff I need to accomplish and I am usually rather disciplined when it comes to completing chores on my day off. I have gotten used to the realization that there is really no such thing as a 'day off''; rather there are only 'catch up' days, days where everything we do we have actually planned out days in advance with the full anticipation that we will not get another day to accomplish these things that we have to do on our day off.

SO as the world turns and the earth spins, I will split for now and get crackin at my list. I will post the re-cap of my 'day off' when it is complete.

Happy drinking:)


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day One At the Office

Today I started my first blog in what will hopefully be a long standing string of blogs aimed at documenting my life's story as seen through my eyes. I am creating this blog with the intentions of creating a site intended for many. The site will be aimed directly at bar tenders and servers in the restaurant and bar industry. I am looking for followers now to help me spread the word so that I can get the ball rolling and have the blog spot for bartenders up and running as soon as possible.

Think of the site as sort of a soap dish with stories from around the world detailing different situations arising within our fine establishments. I'm sure if any of you out there have experienced half the situations I have while working as a doorman and bartender in the Calgary bar seen, it will make for some really interesting blogs.

Let's get this thing started and I look forward to the feedback.