Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Twenty Two At the Office

Good morning beautiful people.

I've been enjoying my time in the blogosphere; I've had plenty of people tell me how much they enjoy my blog, I've also had some haters who wouldn't know what a blog is without the help of Google. I'm now on the hunt for people looking to get sponsorship and or advertisement space on my page. I know I only have three followers on the actual blog site; however, I have a lot more loyal readers that aren't followers yet. I'm also looking for fellow bartenders that have a creative side and are good with words, that would be interested in blogging on a daily or weekly basis under my blog page.

If there are any bartenders looking to share some experiences they've had within the industry, let me know and we'll set you up and get you started. The stories have to be real and no names can be used. I don't care how vulgar or graphic you choose to be, as long as it's written well and gets people's attention.

As far as the advertisement space goes; I have at least three spots available and I work on a time line contract. I am also open to the idea of sponsoring individuals or teams if anyone is interested.

Please let me know if you would like to join the team and make shit happen!

Stay drunk,


Friday, August 14, 2009

*drinkslinger*: Day Twenty One At the Office

*drinkslinger*: Day Twenty One At the Office

Day Twenty One At the Office

Hello my peeps!

It's been a long week and an odd week as well. I broke a tooth the other day and enjoyed a nice two hour visit to the dentist yesterday afternoon. I usually love going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and hear from the dental assistant and dentist about how beautiful my teeth are; so naturally when I went in yesterday with a mangled and broken (ugly) tooth, I was a little more than slightly embarrassed to smile at the quirky assistants feeble attempts to make me laugh.
I hate the feeling of being frozen! I hate the feeling when the freezing wears off as well. Lets just say I hate anything to do with dental surgery!

On Saturday my younger brother engaged in his pro debut as a mixed martial artist. He won the fight in the second round and showed a strong will to NEVER give up! No matter how many times he was down; he always made sure to get back up and didn't let off until his opponent tapped out a little more than half way through the second round, due to repeated strikes to the head and face. I'm proud of my brother and his latest accomplishment; I hope this serves as notice for him and wakes him up a little to the endless possibilities that are within his reach and at times on the very tips of his fingers. I will post the link so none of u miss the fight. Congratulations Simon!

Now for all of you who don't know, I am writing this blog for YOU! If you enjoy it; please let me know, I enjoy the feed back. If you like reading about the often times funny and always entertaining happenings in my life, add and follow my blog. It's easy and the site walks you through it. Thank you all for the continued support and feed back!

'Happy Hour' should last all day..then it would be 'Happy Day' instead of just an hour!

-Digi....wait for it....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day Twenty At the Office

Hello my lush readers.

Today is all about my little brother Simon. Since we were little kids running around doing our 'ninja survival tests' and climbing up just about every building or tree we came in contact with; we both have been heavily into martial arts, our family is well decorated in many different styles. Our main focus growing up (aside from the other martial arts we studied) was the ancient and traditional art of Bujinkan Ninjutsu. We both had great idea's about becoming modern day Ninja; we both trained hard and played hard, we both have achieved our goals.

Tonight is Simon's professional debut as a mixed martial artist. He's fighting in a small venue in Terrace British Columbia; I don't know much abo0ut these promoters, I do know that Simon is more than ready! Doing martial arts our entire lives and having a passion and respect for many different styles, has made the transition to the mixed martial arts world an easy one. Simon and I are very close in age and have many similar interests; we grew up close to one another and remain that way to this day, brothers and best friends.

I'm simply writing this blog with the soul purpose of respecting my younger brother and giving him prop's for getting out there; with nobody but his Jiu-Jitsu coach to corner him, he is truly doing this alone...for himself. I pity the opponent who stands across the cage from my brother. When the referee says 'let's get it on'; I have fears that the person approaching my brother is walking into a tornado of pain, I feel really bad for him.

Other than wishing him luck, I really have nothing else to say. So good luck little brother! Smash him a few times for me! Can't wait to hear the results!

Two fisting tonight at my place for UFC 101...holla' atchya' boy!!!!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Nineteen At the Office

Good day all you wonderful beverage drinkers :)

Apparently when I attempted to set up my blog through my iPhone I didn't do it correctly. I apologize for the lack of posts.

I wanted to talk a little about one of my oldest and best friends in the world; he was recently in a serious motorcycle accident and was left in pretty rough shape, anyone who knows who I am talking about knows that Mike is a great guy! Mike is also a new father and a brother and a son and a friend to many, many people. In a lot of ways he has influenced my life and has helped me through some of my darkest days; for as long back as I can remember, Mike has always been there for me and never wavered in his loyalty to me (or any of his other friends) as one of my best friends. I've known Mike for longer than I can can think back to; he's been a solid fixture in my life for years and years, a true friend, a brother!

I just wanted to write out a few of the feelings I have troubles expressing through my vocal abilities. Although I haven't been up to the hospital to see Mike as often as I wish I could; I am constantly thinking about him and praying for him, he is in severe pain all the time and still has the ability to crack me up! Mike is a trooper and no matter what, he still puts others ahead of himself. I would have to say that Mike's biggest downfall of caring more for others than he often does for himself, is one in which more people in this world should take heed to.

Anyone who's met Mike even once can't forget his character. He is the type of guy who lends a piece of himself to everyone he comes in contact with; it leaves a lasting impression and allows for a great memory, one tin which is truly unforgettable!

Now that the feelings are out, I can talk more about the fact that Mike's accident wasn't his fault and it's a huge wake up call to anyone who drives a vehicle and is reading this right now. OPEN YOUR EYES!! It's summer time and motorbikes are ubiquitous! With the omnipresence of two wheelers on our city streets, we ALL need to wake up when we are at the wheel! This type of accident could have easily been avoided, had the driver of the car that made an unsafe left turn directly into Mike (while he was traveling at 80km's/hr) simply been paying attention!

There is no excuse for dope head riving. When you are behind the wheel of a thousand plus pounds machine that can end a life instantly, it is your obligation to be alert and to pay attention at all times! We all had to take the course and study the rules in order to receive an operators license, how is it that we can all forget so easily the simple infractions that are so often the cause of many fatalities on our city streets? It's absolutely unacceptable to drive without due care! If it's not the thought of taking someone's life or the feeling you would have to live with after ruining a perfect stranger's (a new father in Mike's case) life; then it should at least serve as a fear tactic to remind everyone of how easily you could lose or ruin your own life, simply by NOT paying attention.

Now that I've voiced that, I think I will duck out and use this energy to take my monster for a walk.

It's been a slice! Hang in there Mikey! Always in my thoughts...
